Friday, August 28, 2009

TeewhY's Corner : Guilty Pleasures?

At these hard times during exams we are all distracted by things here and there. Some things we just know we shouldnt have, but yet the urge for it is much to strong these are the guilty pleasures...... there are those wonderful nice things that we treat ourselves to or enjoy even though we think that we shouldn’t or know we shouldn't. Our lives filled with Guilty Pleasures.

Here is my TOP 10:

10: Infomercials
These are so hypnotic i spend hours just watching them bombard messages of cheap items and all these facial products. E.g...proactive. What about the Magic bullet, those things are just awesome as it turns and turns and churns the stuff....I think the only reason why i havent bought all the stuff is due to me being asian D!NG....

9: Pies

This thing is a killer, i always tell myself that i will never eat pies again....
THEN BAM next morning lol there just happens to be a pie in my hand and after i eat it...rofl i feel bad xD!!

8: Ginger Beer

Ginger beer has been said to be the devils drink....not really i just made that up. But damn im addicted to that crap i have a bottle like everyday. Something about the fresh bubbling tingling sensation as it soothingly flows down my throat...erotic much??

7: Gossip girl
Lol something about blair and serena that just keeps me staring at the bloody screen for ages...almost a magic bullet LOL. But damn gossip girl...surely is a guilty pleasure.

6: Facebook

i swear EVERYONE should have this one on their list...this website is the root of all procrastination and sleepless nights in the world. Maybe one day if i fail in life...ill start a club "Facebook ruined my life"

5: Sleeping in and lazy mornings
Sleeping in has resulted to half school days for me lol.
Recently ive missed 2-3 days of period 1 & 2...

4: Wearing nothing but underwear
This has got to be the best feeling in the world....the feeling of freedom and the idea of being liberated....

3: Taylor swift
Usually my taste in music is pretty different from country pop...but there is something about this girl that just gets me singing her fact ask erik he knows whats going on...cause Its a love story baby just sayyyy yesssss!! oops..

Touch rugby Tied with Chick Flicks
As you all know lol touch or rugby in general is a passion of mine. Especially the top class touch competition at school....Even when it rains, even when the earth quakes, even when the lightening strikes and the thunder roars...we play the death...!!!

Chick flicks its weird, but i randomly for no particular reason i enjoy chick flicks or romantic comedies...!!!! "The ugly truth" coming in cinemas near you

1: Porn Tied with gaming
Well you know...=.=" cant live without it....period

Gaming even though the biggest distraction of them all and something i know i shouldnt be doing so often....just cant resist....mmmooooonnnnnstttteeerrrr KILL!!



Unknown said...

i bet you're giving those no fapping boys hell

TianYang Li said...

hahaha they can take whatever they want from this :3
what are your guilty pleasures?

/|/ NikHil |V| said...

lol.. dota, facebook, msn, porn, somethis this blog.. o and my pet.. its annoyin

TianYang Li said...

you have a pet WTF

lil matt said...

Dissapointing TY. you missed out music hip hop/rap and dancing

TianYang Li said...

Rofl dude Rap and stuff they arent guilty pleasures cause its alright to like them xD!!!

Matt your one would say porn too aye

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