Saturday, October 10, 2009

Kirtan's Sofa: Cyber Clean

Don't you just hate it when 'stuff' gets stuck in between your keyboard keys and you just can't seem to get it out. Lets face it, removing dirt, dead skin, dust from your keyboard can be a challenge and i have a solution for you, although it's quite expensive, it should last you atleast 6 months and keep any type of electronics clean, from your cell phone keys, iphone, TV remote, digital camera etc, and the best thing about Cyber Clean is it's antibacterial and that means it actually cleans your electronics and keeps your gadgets Germ Free 8-|.

Cyber Clean is basically a putty that smells like disinfectant and can be molded to any shape to fit those awkward spots that are really really really annoying to get dirt out of X)

So next time you want to clean your Gadgets (ahem Naseer), try CYBER CLEAN ;)

Monday, October 5, 2009

TeewhY's Corner : 500 days~!

Hi guys.
I know its the holidays and people are studying, but i have always try to encourage people to relax and take some time out.

So my pick on movie to watch this holidays

500 days of summer

To me its by far the best movie of the year, and by far the most original romantic comedy.

Recently watching it again has reminded me why. The film is a boy meet girl story, but not a love story as it tells you up front. Whats great about the movie is how well it depicts a realistic relationship using a non linear storyline and split screen comparisons.

While the Director and writers have no acclaimed credit behind their name, Marc webb the director is known for directing music videos rather then indie films and the writers wrote for the pink panther sequel (which was a crap movie). So from this you can see that this movie wasn't a figment of their imagination or a creation, rather its possible they drew inspiration from personal experience that they have gone through which adds to how real and how well it can relate to us.

This is more of a dude flick then a "chick flick", but both girls and guys can take something enlightening from it.

Once you've watched it, you'll feel something special...why?
cause this IS a special movie...

Also if you wish to watch online here are links

FAIRYSHARE link is here
XTSHARE link is here

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