Saturday, October 10, 2009

Kirtan's Sofa: Cyber Clean

Don't you just hate it when 'stuff' gets stuck in between your keyboard keys and you just can't seem to get it out. Lets face it, removing dirt, dead skin, dust from your keyboard can be a challenge and i have a solution for you, although it's quite expensive, it should last you atleast 6 months and keep any type of electronics clean, from your cell phone keys, iphone, TV remote, digital camera etc, and the best thing about Cyber Clean is it's antibacterial and that means it actually cleans your electronics and keeps your gadgets Germ Free 8-|.

Cyber Clean is basically a putty that smells like disinfectant and can be molded to any shape to fit those awkward spots that are really really really annoying to get dirt out of X)

So next time you want to clean your Gadgets (ahem Naseer), try CYBER CLEAN ;)

Monday, October 5, 2009

TeewhY's Corner : 500 days~!

Hi guys.
I know its the holidays and people are studying, but i have always try to encourage people to relax and take some time out.

So my pick on movie to watch this holidays

500 days of summer

To me its by far the best movie of the year, and by far the most original romantic comedy.

Recently watching it again has reminded me why. The film is a boy meet girl story, but not a love story as it tells you up front. Whats great about the movie is how well it depicts a realistic relationship using a non linear storyline and split screen comparisons.

While the Director and writers have no acclaimed credit behind their name, Marc webb the director is known for directing music videos rather then indie films and the writers wrote for the pink panther sequel (which was a crap movie). So from this you can see that this movie wasn't a figment of their imagination or a creation, rather its possible they drew inspiration from personal experience that they have gone through which adds to how real and how well it can relate to us.

This is more of a dude flick then a "chick flick", but both girls and guys can take something enlightening from it.

Once you've watched it, you'll feel something special...why?
cause this IS a special movie...

Also if you wish to watch online here are links

FAIRYSHARE link is here
XTSHARE link is here

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

TeewhY's Corner : Exams is Finally o.v.e.r

Exams is officially over...which means only one thing...Freedom.
They say freedom dosen't come free and to a extent thats very true...Term four exams coming in a month and a half!! But its too early to worry about that right ;D!!! PARTY? yes.

Since exams are finished we will be adding more posts ;D!!......P.kirt has recently added a post...the others hopefully will follow ;S

Here at Like Fat kids love cake we are going to present you with a touch rugby short film IF it goes well lol which P.kirt and i are optimistic the production will be a success.

Be Happy by *Alephunky deviant art

Monday, August 31, 2009

TeewhY's Corner : Movie review of Ponyo On the Cliff

There is a word to describe “Ponyo,” and that word is magical. This poetic, visually breathtaking work by the greatest of all animators has such deep charm that adults and children will both be touched. It’s wonderful and never even seems to try: It unfolds fantastically. This is how the notable Film critic Roger Ebert described the movie.

The movie starts off with the little goldfish Ponyo escaping from home to see the wider world, where Sosuke, a 5-year-old who lives in a house on a seaside cliff, finds a goldfish trapped in a jar on the beach. This is Ponyo. Freeing her, he is rewarded by a lick on a finger that heals a cut. And by tasting human blood, we learn, Ponyo gains the ability to transform between fish and human.; all is wonderful until we discover that by crossing the divide between land and sea, Ponyo has triggered ecological changes that unleash a dangerous tsunami that floods Sosuke’s village right up to the doorstep of his house.

The simplicity of this movie is the most crucial part of the movie, its even been compared to Hayao Miyazaki's classic My Neighbor Totoro. This 68-year-old Japanese master continues to impress the audience of young and old. Also the fact he creates animation drawn by hand, just as “Snow White” and “Pinocchio” were. Brings a natural and fluid feel to his work that exposes the flaws of CGI.I was totally blown away by his imagination and how well he presents his story and his characters.

Characters such as Fujimoto. He is the father of Ponyo and her countless baby sisters. Although he seems sinister at first, his desire to keep Ponyo in the sea is eventually explained because of his concern for the balance of Earth’s nature.

Already it is threatened by the debris of human civilization; we see a bottom-scooping ship dredge up tons of waste. This reminds me of the movie of Wall-E where they also had a hidden message besides the main storyline. Also the movie has elements of Romeo and Juliet which if you watch the movie will see.

The movie does have some unexplained seriously random things such as how a goldfish survives in the sea, how Ponyo has so many sisters and much more. But these things we just accept as we know that we are drawn into Hayao Miyazaki's world where creativity and imagination knows no boundaries.

4 out of 5
★ ★ ★ ★ 1/2

Directed by Hayao Miyazaki
Produced by Toshio Suzuki
Written by Hayao Miyazaki

Japanese version:
Yuria Nara
Hiroki Doi
Tomoko Yamaguchi
George Tokoro
Kazushige Nagashima

English version:
Cate Blanchett
Noah Cyrus
Matt Damon
Frankie Jonas
Tina Fey
Liam Neeson
Laraine Newman
Madison Davenport
Cloris Leachman
Betty White
Lily Tomlin

Link to the movie if you wish to download or watch online::
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3

Saturday, August 29, 2009

TeewhY's Corner: Our Pursuit of happyness..

Picture by by ~Adila, Deviant Art

Aristotle (384BC- 322BC) once said, "Happiness depends on ourselves." And he was right, you know. Our thoughts pretty much decide what or how we are going to be. We control our thoughts (for the most part) so by altering our thought pattern we can determine our mindset and mood.

Did you know that being happy is also good for your health ? Studies have shown that being happy releases hormones called endorphins that help reduce pain and the stress we encounter in our daily lives. Stress is linked to illnesses like heart disease, cancer and stroke. Isn't all that reason enough to want to snatch al the happiness that we can?

Happiness is a state of being that we would all like to achieve every waking second of our lives, unfortunately, there are people for whom achieving happiness is difficult. However there are ways to achieve happiness that will work if applied the right way.

Anybody can be happy in his or her life, sometimes it is just a matter of deciding to be happy or allowing happiness to play a bigger role in your life.

Take Action: Take Heart
"Happiness resides not in possessions and not in gold, the feeling of happiness dwells in the soul." - Democritus (460?-370? BC)

Focus on the chase, the process, the journey -- not the end result! At the end of the day, happiness is not about the big house, the money, or the material goods. The thrill is in the satisfaction of pushing our envelope and working hard. Happiness lives in the meaning and purpose we find in our lives. Melt into the process. Enjoy the ride. Happiness guaranteed!

Celebrate Daily

"There are two ways to live: you can live as if nothing is a miracle; you can live as if everything is a miracle." - Albert Einstein

Celebrate a creative idea, your brilliance, your authentic style, your family, and/or your clean closets! Celebrate anything and everything that brightens your heart. If you find one thing to celebrate every day, your mind will soon automatically search for things to celebrate. Imagine that...your mind on automatic pilot, searching for happy things to celebrate.

Open Your Heart to Forgiveness
"Forgiveness is a funny thing. It warms the heart and cools the sting." - William Arthur Ward

One needs to expend an awful lot of energy to hold onto anger and resentment. And at the end of the day, who is it hurting? Certainly not the people to whom you are directing your bitterness and hostility. Those negative feelings are swirling through your own psyche and body. So let them go and enjoy a path toward feeling lighter, freer, and happier. In the end, you could consider forgiveness the best kind of selfish act, as it benefits you as much as anyone else.

Give Yourself Credit
"The truest greatness lies in being kind, the truest wisdom in a happy mind." - Ella Wheeler Wilcox

Rather than focusing on what you haven't achieved (and believe me, we all could create quite the list), why not focus on what you have accomplished and give yourself credit where credit is due? No holds barred. No thoughts that negate your triumphs or happy moments.

Right now, write down your successes, your favorite memories, and things you are thankful for. You can even project happy happenings into the future. Feel that happy energy swirling upward?

Color Yourself Happy

"Spring is when you feel like whistling even with a shoe full of slush." - Doug Larson

According to a study from the Vrije Universiteit in Amsterdam, adults reported feeling happier when in the presence of the colors green and yellow. On our deepest levels, these glorious spring colors remind us of sunshine, spring fields and happiness. Don't underestimate the power and importance of your physical environment -- your home, your office and your car -- anywhere you live. Paint it happy!

Shake Your Booty
"Movement is a medicine for creating change in a person's physical, emotional, and mental states." - Carol Welch

Exercise stimulates the brain to release endorphins and increases the production of the neurotransmitter serotonin, the body's natural mood elevator! Schedule 30 minutes a day to get out there and shake it, baby! Walk, dance, run, jump up and down, twirl in circles...move any way you can and feel happy.

Clear Space for Happiness
"Many men go fishing all of their lives without knowing that it is not fish they are after." - Henry David Thoreau

Get those unpleasant, little, pesky tasks done, now! Go on, I said now! They are sapping your energy and weighing you down. They are hanging over your head. Free yourself of this mental clutter, and clear space for happiness!

Release Physical Tension

"We should consider every day lost on which we have not danced at least once. And we should call every truth false, which was not accompanied by at least one laugh." - Friedrich Nietzsche

Stressed, upset, and negative feelings can register in the body as tight shoulders, stomach cramps, stiff neck, or a headache. Some recommended ways to release this physical tension are to laugh, chant or sing, breathe deeply, get a massage, or sit in a sauna or steam room. It's important to take care of your body in whatever way works for you.

Creative Acts of Kindness

"The best way to cheer yourself up is to try to cheer somebody else up." - Mark Twain

Want to create an upward happiness spiral that not only affects you, but in turn expands and spirals out there (woo hoo!) enhancing the world-wide happiness quotient? Do something nice for someone else! It's that simple. Plant one seed of happiness -- just one -- and it has the potential to grow and spread. Watch happiness ripple out...

Strengthen Your Gratitude Muscle
"Wake at dawn with a winged heart and give thanks for another day of loving." - Kahlil Gibran

We can be collectors of injustices -- perpetually feeling slighted, empty, and unhappy because of all the injustices (both real and imagined) that have fallen upon us. Or, we can count our blessings, feel joyful and happy, and cultivate gratitude. Every night before you go to bed, jot down at least 5 things that you are grateful for. You may be grateful for the obvious -- food, shelter, clothing, a job, or some more subtle things, like smiles from strangers, a ripe piece of fruit, or the bus arriving just as you get to the stop. As you strengthen your gratitude muscle, you'll find that your life is filled with more blessings than you realized.
I found this very insightful and interesting...What do you think??

Friday, August 28, 2009

TeewhY's Corner : Guilty Pleasures?

At these hard times during exams we are all distracted by things here and there. Some things we just know we shouldnt have, but yet the urge for it is much to strong these are the guilty pleasures...... there are those wonderful nice things that we treat ourselves to or enjoy even though we think that we shouldn’t or know we shouldn't. Our lives filled with Guilty Pleasures.

Here is my TOP 10:

10: Infomercials
These are so hypnotic i spend hours just watching them bombard messages of cheap items and all these facial products. E.g...proactive. What about the Magic bullet, those things are just awesome as it turns and turns and churns the stuff....I think the only reason why i havent bought all the stuff is due to me being asian D!NG....

9: Pies

This thing is a killer, i always tell myself that i will never eat pies again....
THEN BAM next morning lol there just happens to be a pie in my hand and after i eat it...rofl i feel bad xD!!

8: Ginger Beer

Ginger beer has been said to be the devils drink....not really i just made that up. But damn im addicted to that crap i have a bottle like everyday. Something about the fresh bubbling tingling sensation as it soothingly flows down my throat...erotic much??

7: Gossip girl
Lol something about blair and serena that just keeps me staring at the bloody screen for ages...almost a magic bullet LOL. But damn gossip girl...surely is a guilty pleasure.

6: Facebook

i swear EVERYONE should have this one on their list...this website is the root of all procrastination and sleepless nights in the world. Maybe one day if i fail in life...ill start a club "Facebook ruined my life"

5: Sleeping in and lazy mornings
Sleeping in has resulted to half school days for me lol.
Recently ive missed 2-3 days of period 1 & 2...

4: Wearing nothing but underwear
This has got to be the best feeling in the world....the feeling of freedom and the idea of being liberated....

3: Taylor swift
Usually my taste in music is pretty different from country pop...but there is something about this girl that just gets me singing her fact ask erik he knows whats going on...cause Its a love story baby just sayyyy yesssss!! oops..

Touch rugby Tied with Chick Flicks
As you all know lol touch or rugby in general is a passion of mine. Especially the top class touch competition at school....Even when it rains, even when the earth quakes, even when the lightening strikes and the thunder roars...we play the death...!!!

Chick flicks its weird, but i randomly for no particular reason i enjoy chick flicks or romantic comedies...!!!! "The ugly truth" coming in cinemas near you

1: Porn Tied with gaming
Well you know...=.=" cant live without it....period

Gaming even though the biggest distraction of them all and something i know i shouldnt be doing so often....just cant resist....mmmooooonnnnnstttteeerrrr KILL!!


Thursday, August 6, 2009

ErelevantBUZZ: Viva la Bromance.

By TeewhY? and abhilash

This masterpiece was brought to you as a symbol of guy love, bromance, Huggle buddies all around. On top we have a shot from the critically acclaimed movie brokeback mountain, and on the bottom are two boys discovering their inner man love taken on a faithful afternoon on 06/08/09.

ErelevantBUZZ: DavidChoi Video of the song "wont even start" production by Wong Fu

I really like this song. Check it out. David choi. Awesome.

Click Here for his Youtube account.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Thanks 1000 VIEWS!!!!

Thanks everyone for reading our blog, we've reached the 1000 view milestone yesterday round 12:45am i think. So a big thank you and to say keep reading and commenting ^-^. We'll do our best here at FatKidsLoveCake to give you the most interesting review and awesome stuff.

Counting Up